Season 5  Schedule


episode 1 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Feb 1, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 0 Minutes
Intendant of the Building.
Based on the Old Testament story of King David and his assignment to his son, the future King Solomon. Core values explored are Reverence for God, Integrity, and Service to Humanity.
Presented by Valley of Pittsburgh
The evening will also present the Valley's distinctive contemporary interpretation of the degree.
8th Degree
Intendant of the Building
0 Minutes
Each honor we receive requires attention to a particular duty.
8th Degree
episode 2 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Feb 15, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 0 Minutes
Knight of the Rose Croix.
The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are used to exemplify the universal principles of life. Core value explored is Integrity.
Presented by the Valleys of New Jersey
18th Degree
Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M.
0 Minutes
The Book of Life is opened. The new law is a law of love, which all men everywhere may understand and practice.
18th Degree
episode 3 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Feb 29, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 43 Minutes
Master Elect.
King Solomon learns of his sentence from which there is no appeal. Core values explored are Reverence for God and Justice.
Presented by Valley of The Hudson
10th Degree
Master Elect
43 Minutes
The violator of his obligations to God will not go unpunished.
10th Degree
episode 4 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Mar 14, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 0 Minutes
Prince of Jerusalem.
The court of King Darius contemplates what motivates man. Core value explored is Reverence for God.
Presented by Valley of Michigan
The evening will also present the Valley's distinctive contemporary interpretation of the degree.
16th Degree
Prince of Jerusalem
0 Minutes
Devotion to truth surpasses secular motivations.
16th Degree
episode 5 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Mar 28, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 0 Minutes
Master of the Ninth Arch.
The degree dramatizes the dangers encountered as men search for the lost word. Core value explored is Reverence for God.
Presented by Valley of Fort Wayne
13th Degree
Master of the Ninth Arch
0 Minutes
Difficulties and dangers should not deter us from pursuing moral perfection.
13th Degree
episode 6 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Apr 11, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 0 Minutes
Master Ad Vitam.
Benedict Arnold seeks pardon for his treason. Core values explored are Devotion to Country and Integrity.
Presented by Valley of Madison
20th Degree
Master Ad Vitam
0 Minutes
Treason is a crime over which Masonry casts no mantle of charity.
20th Degree
episode 7 Completed add_box Join the Rite Night
@ 7:30pm
Thursday, Apr 25, 2024
8:00 PM ET
Runtime: 30 Minutes
Brothers of the Trail.
Along the Oregon Trail in 1840, one pioneer lives up to his sacred obligation to care for his brother. Core values explored are Reverence for God and Integrity.
Presented by Valley of Buffalo
19th Degree
Brothers of the Trail
30 Minutes
A Mason's word is good as gold anyplace in the world where a man's word still counts for something.
19th Degree
special event Completed
Thursday, May 9, 2024
7:00 PM ET
Runtime: 14 Minutes
The Supreme Council's new book The Path Forward: Empowering the Future of Freemasonry offers new, data-driven findings that examine the state and perception of Freemasonry among American men today.
Presented by Authors of The Path Forward
Special Presentation
Path Forward National Survey Results
14 Minutes
The authors of The Path Forward will walk you through the key takeaways and answer your questions during a live webinar to save your spot!
Special Presentation
special event Completed
Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024
7:00 PM ET
Runtime: 14 Minutes
Freemasonry's membership Blueprint.
Presented by Authors of The Path Forward
Special Presentation
Unlocking Growth: Freemasonry’s Membership Blueprint
14 Minutes
Join the authors of the Path Forward, as well as William M. Carter III, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, as they discuss proven strategies to grow fraternal membership!
Special Presentation